Baba Will Direct MAHAPARAYAN On Global Level

Baba says, “I Pull Only Those Who Are Mine Like A String Tied through A Thread, No Matter How Far The Devotee Is” and this you all will soon practically understand through Mahaparayan, as Baba will pull all His sparrows spread across the world. There is a reason behind everything. If you are here and reading this then try to understand that Baba has chosen you to be a part of Mahaparayan and your life would not be same again. As you must have realised through The Neem Leaf post that Baba had a reason for I was not able to write past so many months as He wanted to give direct orders for Mahaparayan and thus the surprise to all His children on Guru Pournima! His timing is just perfect!


As said in the previous post Mahaparayan is Parayan on global level where 108 groups with 48 members each; needs to be formed. Here each devotee would be paying His tribute to Baba for completing His 100 years of Mahasamadhi in Dasera, 2018 by taking up Baba’s responsibility of reading 2 chapters every Thursday. Although each devotee would complete only 2 cycles of complete book in one year by reading 2 chapters every Thursday, still the devotee would owe contribution for 108 parayans on an individual level and 5,59,872 on global level (108*48*108) as it would be only possible because of each of them coming forward and helping to form 108 groups, as little drops of water make mighty ocean! With each other’s help only we can make it possible to complete 108 parayans at individual level for each one of us. So each one of you is like a little drop of water where if we come together we would make the mighty ocean of 5,59,872 Parayans for our Baba! I think this would be nothing in comparison to what Baba would do for us! Although we are doing only out of love for Baba, our Baba always gives returns for the services, that too many folds! As indicated in dream through mirror, Hanumanji and washroom, He would wash our sins and revolutionise us!

As in yesterday’s post we saw in leelas experienced by the existing members of MAHAPARAYAN where Baba gave practical exposure for Mahaparayan to us like Das Ganu (ch 20) by initiating at local and then national level. The various leelas clearly proves that It is Baba Who is directing all; who will read what and when? He is our Director and we are just His puppets. To make it simpler to understand the working of Mahaparayan imagine yourself as already the student of the University named SAI. This course named MAHAPARAYAN would commence in this University on 30th September 2017, The Sacred Dasera Day. Out of the various applications received only 5000 applicants would be filtered on the first come first served basis. Only if you provide correct information in terms of your full name, whats app number, email-id your application would be considered.

So for this course MAHAPARAYAN there would be 108 classrooms with 108 class teachers (one each). In each classroom there would be only 48 students. These 48 students would be divided into 4 houses: Red, Blue, Green And Yellow with four house captains respectively. In each house there would be 12 students. So now it will be a moral responsibility of each student to read their allotted chapter and report along with their roll no, name and chapter read in their class ( whats app group of 48 people). The house captain should keep a track of his members (12 students) and report on the same group about his house that his house is done when every member of his house completes the reading. So each class teacher with the help of 4 house captains monitors one classroom of 48 students and when done it is the responsibility of the class teacher to report to the principal that her classroom number has successfully completed the reading. So there will be one whats app group having all 108 class teachers and 4 principals. So each of these 4 principals will take responsibility of getting the work done from 27 class teachers . Then the 4 principals would finally report to our single Director Baba ☺ So there would be 110 whats app group formed. { 108(classrooms) + 1 for all class-teachers and principals+ 1 with only 4 principals)} The various groups at various levels would be formed according to the countries and their time zones! So it will take time for preparation!

Still if you have not understood anything don’t worry. All you need to understand is every Thursday you need to read two chapters which are allotted to you and report on the whats app group that you would be later added after you register and fill the P-forms here. You need to take the responsibility of reading and reporting 2 chapters every Thursday. That is all you need to do from your end.

As if Even if it’s our friends’ birthday, we try to make them feel special, then wouldn’t you want to make Baba feel special? So what are you thinking, come forward, read, volunteer and revolutionise yourself and others too through you. This is once in a time opportunity knocking at you to do something for our Baba, after all its neither silver nor golden jubilee, but the centenary year of our Dear Baba! Believe me although Baba will test us and polish us as we also saw in Day 5 post, each one of us would not be same again.

Every moment is a bliss and full of goosebumps in the journey of MAHAPARAYAN. In yesterday’s post I had mentioned Shweta Agarwal. She says although she experienced Babas’s leelas and did her duty as told, somewhere she felt Krishna is Only her everything and went off to sleep after reading yesterday’s post. She then got a dream where Baba came with me to her and said, “Tu Hamari Itni Pariksha Kyu Le Rahi Hai?” (Why are you testing us so much?) She was moved and called the next moment! Many more members then messaged me their experiences too. One of them being where Neetuji said her daughter Vibha after undergoing one surgery she prayed Baba and was saved from series of operations only by grace of Baba!

Although fully packed with responsibilities still loving IT a lot..! I really thank from the bottom of my heart to all the existing members and wonderful co-ordinators because of whom this day has become possible. Along with strong pillars like Meghaji, Monicaji, Neha Gupta, Neha Goyal all the volunteers played their role well. Specially Nikki ji’s group almost everytime bags the credit of completing first! Hemaji too made it sure that while on a vacation to Australia she delegated her responsibility to able hands for time being but saw to it that she read her chapter from Australia and somehow even conveyed her message too. Baba, always bless her for her great sense of responsibility! Some of them said that inspite of busy schedule they volunteered and Baba helped them. If they took up Baba’s work, Baba took up their work and also helped them to emerge with great leadership qualities! They are also very thankful to be a part of this Historical Event. All my team of co-ordinators are Masterpieces chosen by Baba for this divine initiative as wouldn’t have been possible without them!

When Baba had first inspired the thought for global level I had asked in prashnavali about it and it gave answers like, ‘Desire will be fulfilled…You alone can’t complete the work… You will get help from many people. You will meet saintly person. Work will be completed with help of some number of women ( I don’t remember the count). Keep all your worries aside just trust Baba! Baba will do everything, we just need to be the instruments and love and willingness to serve Him and obey His command. We would need almost 500 volunteers. Surely Baba would collect His gems in the basket. Would you like to be Baba’s instrument?

So isn’t it a great offer? Although of spiritual kind where each one of us actually completes just 2 parayans but each one of us would owe contribution for 108 parayans on individual level and 5,59,872 on global level and so much positive vibes over the globe every Thursday! This is what makes it a Mahaparayan in real sense! Baba now hinting something really very BIG! From yesterday Baba is hinting MAHA-MAHAPARAYAN. This Baba is really very naughty! I now wish, just as we as one team (Hetalji, Kritiji, Soniaji and myself) working with 108 groups for Mahaparayan, let there be so many leelas experienced by the members that 108 such teams come forward and we help them how to go about it and take this MAHAPARAYAN to an altogether different level with 6,04,66,176 parayans in one year for each one of us! You never know as what was just started from Kundan Nagar (a small area in Pune) for a single day group parayan last year Dasera; was actually laying its foundation for Mahaparayan on global level with only one such team of us! So this Dasera may be Baba laying the foundation for MAHA-MAHAPARAYAN! I know Baba You always encourage good thoughts and nothing is impossible for You! As You always say that If God Is Your Partner Make Your Plans Big and we all hope to witness Your wonderful Leela next Dasera, 2018! Love You Baba!!! (Just experienced another Leela as Baba hinting towards this upcoming MAHA-MAHAPARAYAN! As now today’s post needs to be published would add on to the next post which was not in our plans! So stay tuned for tomorrow’s post. Really Excited!) So if that be then all those who enroll for MAHAPARAYAN this year would actually then be His instruments for Baba’s next upcoming project MAHA-MAHAPARAYAN!

So don’t think even for a moment to be His instruments for MAHA-MAHAPARAYAN, if Baba wishes! All who reading it, somewhere Baba is hinting you for His Upcoming Big Project which will start executing on the Centenary Day next year, after all it would not be an ordinary day in the Universe! So what are you waiting for? Grow and Help Grow. As It’s the 100th Anniversary of Our Baba’s Samadhi, Be the instruments of Baba and grab this once in this life time opportunity and be a part of this HISTORICAL MONUMENTAL EVENT! After all Any problem, one solution – SAI..!
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© Mahaparayan Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 12


  1. SUBTLY SLOWLY WITH babas grace my faith is growing in Him.Ido have a copy of satcharitra which belonged to my mother .Ihave been reading it sometimes but can Ijoin this movement This thurs day onwards.Inoticed this mail just now,

  2. I love you Sai Baba always….never leave me…and may I never leave you..!Bless my family…and be with me on my wedding day too..I love you

  3. Om Sairam
    Am waiting for one moment in my life not only me my total family too. At that moment i entered in this Mahaparayan through my cousin. I am doing my best heartfully . Dont know when that moment touches my life.
    Sometimes i feel so depressed sometimes i thought to come out of this group but dont know i start thinking of this group n baba sooo much
    just waiting for that moment soon very soon
    Om Sairam

  4. Ramesh Ganti Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh
    Sainath Maharaj ke jai visit ed Shirdi 116 times
    Please kindly join me in group

  5. I m from UP Lucknow and already added mahaparayan group in green house. I want to serve group like A class teacher. How can i serve? ? ?

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